Vitamin E could slow decline of dementia sufferers

A recent study has highlighted the potential importance of Vitamin E for dementia sufferers, suggesting that it could help to slow the rate of decline. Featuring in the latest edition of the JAMA (The Journal of the American Medical Association) journal, the findings were yielded from a study in which 613 people were given either … Continued

Heart disease and dementia could be linked

A recent study has found that older women suffering with heart disease are more likely to develop Alzheimer’s and memory and cognitive issues than those who do not have the condition. The study, entitled ‘Cardiovascular Disease and Cognitive Decline in Postmenopausal Women: Results From the Women’s Health Initiative Memory Study’, was published online on 18th … Continued

Crosswords could have impact on brain function

According to the results of a recent study, training the brain through puzzles and crosswords could work to delay the start of cognitive decline and the onset of dementia that often comes with old age. The researched investigated the effects of brain training over a period of ten years and found that almost three quarters … Continued

Fresh air could ease dementia symptoms

A Sheffield garden design expert has been travelling the world, sharing his thoughts on how fresh air and the sense of wellbeing that comes from being outside can have a relieving impact on the effects of dementia. Dr Garuth Chalfont began his career as a landscape gardener before going on to complete a PhD in … Continued