A Surrey wide competition produced a dazzling array of delicious Simnel Cakes that formed the spectacular centrepiece of the Queen Elizabeth Park Care Home’s Easter Open Day on April 4th.
The sale of the cakes marked the launch of Queen Elizabeth Park’s support for the Royal Surrey County Hospital’s Charitable Fund – chosen by the Home as its charity of the year.
Judged by Anne Milton MP AND Local Councillor Pauline Searle, the winning cake was baked by Mrs Marcel of Church Lane, Haselmere, the wife of a resident at Queen Elizabeth Park.
Prizes of a fruit basket, a meat hamper and champagne were presented by Deputy Mayor, Councillor Nikki Nelson-Smith to Kelly Snow, Head of Care at Queen Elizabeth Park, who recieved the prize on Mrs Marcel’s behalf.
Rachel Mason, from the Royal Surrey County Hospital’s Charitable Fund, who assisted Anne Milton MP with the judging said: “We are delighted that the Home has chosen our charity to support for the next twelve months and look forward to working closely with them. And what better way to start off our relationship with Queen Elizabeth Park Care Home – judging such lovely cakes?”
QEP manager, Heather De-Ninis said: “It was one of our residents – Margaret Sutton who came up with the idea of reviving the old tradition of Simnel Cakes for Easter and it certainly seems to have struck a chord with local people. It’s provided a great way to start our fund raising. And we are delighted to start off our support for the Royal Surrey County Hospital’s Charitable Fund with a cheque for just over £150.00”
– See more at: https://www.carebase.org.uk/news/simnel-cake-sale-raises-funds-for-queen-elizabeth-park-care-homes-charity-o#sthash.o7GceuWS.dpuf