Ainsley was on hand to inspire the catering team to adopt recipes from the book that has been specially developed for the home.
The cookery book has been developed through a collaboration with Michelin star chefs from the Great British Chefs organisation and with catering experts. Ideas were also contributed by residents and their families.
Ainsley said: “I am very impressed with this new cookery book. Of course health and nutrition are absolutely essential when it comes to menus offered in care homes and all the recipes in this excellent book have been developed with that in mind. But it’s also so important to offer varied and exciting food and to present it well – after all we ‘eat with our eyes’ too! It was great to see the team so committed to taking on the recipes and the guidance given in this new cookery book and I wish them great joy in cooking for their residents in the future.”
The aim of the cookery book, which contains 136 recipes is to inspire the chefs to create the highest quality food and offer a high-end restaurant-style experience, making meal times a special and enjoyable social experience.
Libor said: “What a fantastic day! I cooked new dishes with encouragement and advice from Ainsley – including some popular favourites and some exciting new world food ideas I’ve never attempted before. I am really excited to start offering these to my residents.”