When searching for the right care home to match the needs of your loved one, careful research should play a key role in your decision. The Care Quality Commission exists to monitor, inspect and regulate health and social care services, and their publically available reports give prospective residents and their relatives a real insight into life inside UK care homes.
At the end of July this year, we received an unannounced visit from the Care Quality Commission. The team at Water Mill House Care Home in Hemel Hempstead is dedicated to providing excellent care for their residents, so welcomed the opportunity to show off our home to the CQC.
The feedback contained within the resulting CQC report was incredibly positive, and we achieved an overall ‘good’ status. Here are a few things that the CQC team had to say about Water Mill House…
The CQC report found the recruitment process at Water Mill House to be thorough; staff are recruited not purely based on qualifications, but also on their potential to be a good match for the home and residents. Moreover, sufficient numbers of staff are always on hand to provide care for up to 65 residents in the home.
Often overlooked, a hugely important part of care is simply listening. The report identified this as one of our strong suits of our staff, who they say pay close attention to the individual needs and preferences of all residents. In addition, resident feedback to the CQC conveyed that they feel both heard and valued.
All staff members receive extensive training under Home Manager Anna, who has a wealth of experience in the care industry. The CQC deemed Water Mill House to be ‘well-led’ and reported a plethora of positive feedback in relation to our home’s management.
Food & Activities
Food is something we take very seriously, and the CQC noted that residents of Water Mill House enjoy a healthy and well-balanced diet. We pride ourselves on offering a delicious, varied menu every day of the week. To help expand his repertoire even further, our Head Chef is currently taking part in the ‘Making a Difference’ challenge, in partnership with British legend Ainsley Harriott and Great British Chefs. This challenge is designed to perfect resident dining experiences, and through this we’ve been lucky enough to spend time with Dominic Chapman, Head Chef at The Beehive in White Waltham who has shared many secret cooking hints and tips with our team.
Our residents enjoy a fun-packed weekly activity schedule, and the CQC report recognised that relatives are often involved in the planning of this itinerary. This results in yet another personalised element of life at Water Mill House, where meaningful activities (where possible!) are tailored to suit resident interests and capabilities.