The Spinney Care Home showcased their ‘Tastes from Around the World” dining experience on 12th October. This was in response to a challenge launched by celebrity chef Ainsley Harriott earlier this year for the home to come up with new, creative and innovative dining experiences for residents that can be sustained in the years ahead.
The Spinney’s entry was visited by the judging panel (constituting of the group Directors). If the home’s concept is shortlisted, celebrity guest Ainsley Harriott will visit the home on October 20th to present them with a prize – a top of the range Weber gas barbeque for everyone at the home to enjoy next summer.
Residents, staff and friends came together for the mealtime experience, celebrating the foods from all over the world, introducing new cuisines and flavours which could be integrated into the home’s menus in the years to come.
Judge Nicola Coveney, Managing Director at Carebase said: “The home was asked to come up with something that was involving for the residents and would have a permanent impact on their day to day lives. We think they have done a fantastic job”.