Sima Baylis, a Care Assistant from Enfield, has won a Heart of Gold Award at a ceremony at The Spinney Care Home in Chingford today, Monday September 14th. Sima has worked at The Spinney for 14 years.
The Awards seek to recognise employees for their dedication and commitment in providing high quality care and compassion to all the home’s residents.
Juliette Oates, manager of The Spinney said: “Those who have been nominated do not just do their jobs, they consistently demonstrate compassion and dedication to make our residents lives better each and every day.
“Sima is particularly special though – she really does have a heart of gold. She cares deeply about our residents and is always smiling and helpful and always doing kind deeds for the people around her.”
Sima was presented with an etched glass plaque to commemorate her success and a Tiffany necklace by Alnur Dhanani, Chairman of Carebase, the company that owns The Spinney. Nominations for the award came from residents and their relatives, co-workers, social workers and local health professionals.
Sima said: From 2001 when I joined the team at The Spinney I have loved working with the residents each and every day. It’s a wonderful home with incredible team working. I want to thank everyone who has supported me and makes The Spinney such a special place to be”.