Our much-cherished residents here at The Spinney have received so many letters and gifts from local children and relatives alike to let them know that, even though they are apart, they are not alone. This included an amazing homemade picture made by family member, Ann. It brought so much joy to us all when we received incredible artwork by the school children who usually visit and read to us, and we have spent hours writing heartfelt letters of thanks back to them!
As well as these artistic gifts, we’ve been sent Thornton’s chocolates from our friends at the Waltham Forest Woman’s Network and we’ve been overwhelmed by the generosity of donations from local businesses who have surprised us with wonderful surprises for our residents to enjoy! We’ve had donations of cakes from the London Cake Company in Chingford, flowers from Marks and Spencer and Homebase, Easter Bunnies from Morrisons and Biryanis donated by Faiza Shaheen from Ajanta kitchen in Chingford! Friend of The Spinney, Sally Fisher, also very thoughtfully donated 40 visors for the team, made by Chingford’s Bancroft’s school.
It has been these gestures, from local friends and companies alike, as well as letters of encouragement, that have truly touched us; the effort the community has gone to, to stay connected and let our residents know they are still a much-loved part of this neighbourhood, has strengthened our bond even tighter than ever.