Week 2 Day 2:
While we are busy enjoying choir with Errol, trips to the Seaside and “Ice Cream Parties”, our team of builders have been very busy transforming the new reception and entrance area. There is now lots of hoarding in place and areas that will be out of bounds. Some will be for the duration of the works and others temporarily. Please bear with us while these exciting changes happen around our home.
Our new entrance is now round the side of the building to the left. The door is key coded and there is a book to sign in. If you can please ensure you put your car registration in and who you are visiting, we will be able to manage parking more efficiently.
We are looking forward to Lucy’s Art class on Wednesday at 10:30 and ZooLab visting Thursday afternoon at 3pm. Have a look at our Facebook page to see more of what we get up to.