Alderwood Care Home showcased their old-fashioned ‘Not So Naughty’ Ice Cream and Smoothie Cart on 18th October.
This was in response to a competition launched by celebrity chef Ainsley Harriott earlier this year to come up with new, creative and innovative food experiences for residents that can be sustained in the years ahead.
Alderwood’s entry, their ‘Not So Naughty’ Ice Cream and Smoothie Cart, was visited today by the judging panel (constituting of the group Directors). If the home’s concept is shortlisted, Ainsley will visit the home on October 20th to present them with a top of the range Weber gas barbeque for everyone in the home to enjoy next summer.
The concept is the brainchild of Alderwood team members Alison Webb, Sheree Bond and Lyndsay Saunders, the home’s chef.
The home also invited the Colchester Community Dietician Team, led by Susanna Gillet to help devise a range of ice cream and smoothies with high nutritional value as well as a range suitable for diabetic residents.
“It’s a fantastic project” said Susanna. “And we are proud to have been involved. The concept links so well with the Food First approach – focusing on healthy but enjoyable options to encourage uptake of food and drink by residents. We wish the team every luck with winning the prize”.
Residents were also polled on their favourite ice cream flavours – with Mint Choc Chip topping the flavour charts.
The ‘Not so Naughty’ Cart, has been adapted so it can be wheeled, by James, Alderwood’s maintenance man around the home to residents who are not mobile so they too can enjoy its delights.
Nikki Leaney, home manager said: “Already the variety coming out of the kitchen is fantastic – Watermelon and Mocha Smoothies and ice creams such as Choccy Wokky Mint Chip and Brownie Butter One. And some of our residents are getting involved in helping to make the ice creams.
“We also produce a photo menu to help tempt those residents living with dementia. We have also sourced an old fashioned bell so we can alert our resident’s with poor eye sight when the cart is nearby, but it also it signifies the start of ice cream time, which we run now once or twice a week”.
The judging panel viewed the cart and tasted the selection of ice creams and smoothies on offer.
Judge Nicola Coveney said: “The home was asked to come up with something that was involving for the residents and would have a permanent impact on their day to day lives as well as looking to involve the local community. We think they have done a fantastic job”.