The care team at Alderwood Care Home in Colchester have won the award for the Best Care Team in the East of England Good Care Awards, presented at a Gala dinner at Norwich Football Club, on Wednesday 25th November 2015.
The purpose of the awards are to pay tribute to those individuals and teams who have demonstrated outstanding excellence within their field of work.
Alderwood’s approach to care involves encouraging all staff, whether junior or senior, and from all areas of the home – kitchen and domestic to carers and nurses – to work closely together for the benefit of residents.
Nikki Leaney, the manager who leads the 77 strong team at Alderwood says: “I believe that it is critical in running a great home, to ensure that staff at every level feel respected and valued. Encouraging their input boosts morale and commitment and helps develop a sense of pride, belonging and purpose. Most importantly, this in turn impacts well on the residents”.
The home’s Care Team extend this approach to the families of residents – a point noted in the award submission. Bi-monthly meetings are held for families who can raise any issue they wish with any member of the team. This has resulted in many families becoming more of a support group for the home, and getting involved in the life of Alderwood to the benefit of all.
“I am hugely proud of my team” says Nikki. And I am delighted they have won this award. It is very well deserved”.