Vintage fair

What a wonderful afternoon we had for our vintage fair, full of wonderful stalls, refreshments and a 15 peice swing band in the garden for our enjoyment, a great day at bridge house for our bridge house family and riverly members and we were happy to welcome visitors from the community too.

Residents female spitfire pilot gets special visit

Pauline Tucker our very own amazing resident living at Bridge House is a surviving veteran as a female spitfire pilot, this week we re-ignited this time of her life by taking her to visit a spitfire! As she reminisced about the important job she had we saw a real spark and life shine from her, … Continued

“scruffs” dog show!

What an absolutely wonderful afternoon we had at bridge house for our dog show!! 12 canine friends joined us as we put them through a variety of fun cat agonies all enjoyed by bridge house residents and relatives and our very own panel resident judges, the dogs behaved fantastically and everyone really got involved with … Continued

Bridge house VE DAY Party

What a wonderful celebration we had at Bridge house for VE DAY! we spent time ahead of the party collecting memories from residents about the parts they played during war and VE day, We invited a local junior school along to join in our reminiscence tea party as we shared all these memories with stories, songs and … Continued